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When it comes to statutory authority reviews, you need a team of experienced professionals who can provide sound legal advice and guidance. At Michael Vassili Lawyers, we provide comprehensive legal reviews of statutory authority documents. Our team of experienced lawyers have extensive knowledge of the relevant legislation and regulations, enabling us to provide advice and assistance on all aspects of your authority review.
We appear in Local Government and other Statutory authority Civil and Criminal enforcements such as unauthorised development under the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act, Local Government and other legislation & Environmental Prosecutions.
Unauthorised Development
The consequences of a Civil enforcement or criminal prosecution in the Land and Environment Court can be very extreme. So you have to be extra careful and act fast when approaching these issues. We have our expert team who can ensure the best possible outcome if you have had orders or notices for such offences.
Regulatory Body Sanctions
Our lawyers have acted in various appeals and defended cases conducted by regulatory bodies. This includes sanctions against Doctors, Nurses, Health Professionals; Suspension and Cancellation of Registration of Registered Training Organisations (RTO’s) by ASQA; Cancellation of Vehicle Inspection Licences by the RMS; and many different Regulatory Body actions.
We have successfully solved these cases and conducted the first successful challenge to the cancellation of an RTO’s registration by ASQA AAMS v ASQA (AAT)
Compulsory Acquisitions
We have worked on conducting contested hearings in the Land and Environment Court for compulsory acquisitions. We advocate for land owners in obtaining just terms in accordance with their rights at law, both within the Land and Environment Court as well as by direct negotiation with the acquiring authority.
Professional Legal Assistance
Our team of highly trained professionals are here to provide you with the best possible legal assistance. We will work closely with you throughout the entire process to ensure that all of your needs are met. Our team is committed to providing efficient, effective and reliable legal services, so you can rest assured that you are in good hands with Michael Vassili Lawyers.