Legal Services can be expensive, especially in contentious litigations.

We work hard to achieve results for you in the most expedient and cost effective manner. Most of our matters, with our careful handling of cases, settle (around 95%). However, we ensure that your case is presented in the best possible litigated matter from the start as effective preparation encourages settlement and wins cases when the matter proceeds to Hearing.

**First Interview is free (15 minutes, thereafter our hourly rates apply)
Litigation - Court work

Comparing hourly rates for lawyers is the same as comparing apples with oranges. What one experienced lawyer may do in an hour may take another lawyer much more time. You should be more concerned with the range estimates which a lawyer provides because that is a better indicator of costs in litigation. Listen carefully to the strategy and solutions a lawyer provides at your conference and judge the real value in the people you are engaging your case with. If a case is conducted properly the rewards should outweigh the fees and fees may be recoverable from costs orders (even in criminal matters) if the matter is conducted properly (depending on the circumstances of each case). See if your lawyer will appear for you or want to "Brief" the matter. Often briefing a matter is like jumping into a cab only to find that the cab driver rings someone else to drive the car. If that happened in a cab you would be alarmed, still this often happens in legal matters.

Family Lawyers
We charge different rates for our Principal to that of our other solicitors.
We do not hide our fees or "buy your work" with "cheap" rates. We are up front with our clients. Our fees are not cheap.

While those rates are not the "cheapest", our Principal has appeared as an advocate for decades in all Courts - the Supreme Courts throughout Australia and the High Court of Australia as a Trial Advocate in contested complex matters. Senior Associates work in conjunction with our Principal in a "Team Litigation" model to conduct your case to a high standard.

Our Associates
Our Associates

work with our Senior Associates as the "backbone" to preparation and appearance work in your matter. They provide key day to day litigation and legal support in your matters. These lawyers all have advocacy experience including defended hearings and appearances on appeal in Superior Courts of Record, so while they are billed at a lower rate they are often more experienced and knowledgeable than many other Junior Lawyers in town who simply brief appearances. These Associates not only can "talk the talk" but also can and do "walk the walk" when it comes to litigation matters.

We have an out of hours "Flag Fall" (That is, a flat fee plus our hourly rate thereafter) in, for instance, criminal custody matters, which are charged per call out (outside 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday).


We are not "Cheap" but our results allow us to take pride that we are of extremely good value. In a recent Family Law Property matter we successfully achieved an 85% award to the Wife. In another, we achieved 75%. In both these cases we achieved these results through thorough preparation and a sound litigation strategy based on our decades of experience. "Cheap" approaches to litigation rarely provide returns - it sounds good up front but in reality it invariably leads to poor outcomes which cost you in the end.

Even in criminal cases we always seek costs when they are available and have a solid strike rate for those applications.

To simply put it, we sell our time and expertise. We value our time and expertise and charge for it to achieve excellent outcomes for you. This is why about 90% of our client base is referral.

Litigation Lawyers

"Cheap" approaches to litigation do not always encourage early settlement. We work extremely hard to save your cost through early settled outcomes. Any lawyer, working hard for you and adopting a proper approach will be looking to avoid a litigated outcome and we work tirelessly to do that. However, we approach all cases with an aggressive "win" strategy which encourages a settlement, if not settled a win.

However, we are always willing to discuss capped and flat fee arrangements with clients and carry costs of proceedings in certain matters. Again, be careful of comparing other "flat fee" cost quotes because you generally get exactly what you pay for and sometimes less than you pay for. You want a result focused on litigation and not a cost only focus as often the two approaches do not co-exist.

Don't be fooled by comparing apples with oranges with legal fees, come and speak to us (no charge) and see for yourself the difference. If you are still not convinced we are all we say we are, then there is no cost to you for that time. We make sure you will determine the value we bring to your matter with knowledge, expertise and sheer enthusiasm in representing clients from the very first time we meet.

Wills & Power Attorney
Wills - Powers of Lawyer - Transactional

We charge flat fees, in most cases, for Wills, Powers of Lawyer and other relevant matters.

However, it is not our cost effective fees which set us apart, it's our comprehensive understanding of what can go wrong if documents are not properly considered and drafted and knowing how to avoid such situations.


We have a Licenced Conveyancer with us on board. Accordingly, we are very competitive with the market for conveyancing.

Our practice is a fully functional litigation practice, unlike a conveyancing practice where when the going gets tough and a difficult matter arises, you are being referred elsewhere. We deal with difficult matters (including matters that require litigation) and work hard to prevent problems beforehand.

Migration - Applications and Appeals

We charge flat fees, in most cases, for Migration matters.

Be careful in comparing fees with others in migration matters. All our Migration work is performed by experienced litigation lawyers who hold MARA registration. We take comprehensive and considered approaches to applications.

We aim to be cost effective, but most importantly we aim to provide the best possible solution for your migration application from direct applications through to appeals in the MRT, RRT, Federal Court, AAT and High Court of Australia.